
    《命运2》“终局之光”更新将于4月9日上线 首批直播活动即将开启

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:清风与鹿

    《命运2》“终局之光”更新将于4月9日上线 首批直播活动即将开启

    Bungie, the developer of "Destiny 2", recently announced that a two-month series of updates titled "Into the Light" will begin on April 9th as part of preparation for the upcoming expansion "The End of the World". Prior to this, the company will host three live broadcasts which will showcase new features, content, and rewards.

    "The End of the World" expansion is the finale of "Light and Darkness", a story arc in "Destiny". It was originally scheduled for release in February 2024. However, Bungie had carried out layoffs in October last year and the expansion was also delayed until June 4th. "Into the Light" is designed to keep players engaged during this period.

    Live broadcasts providing an introduction to "Into the Light" will take place on March 19th, March 26th, and April 2nd. Bungie stated that all broadcasts will focus on different aspects of the update and will be presented by their developers who will provide ample information and offer live demos.

    Viewers who tune into these broadcasts for at least thirty minutes will receive a名片 named "Those Hold Dear". For those who remain engaged for approximately two hours straight, they will receive a名片 named "Echo Diamond".

    (Note: The original article provided no information about the content of the直播或者名片)

    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:《命运2》“终局之光”更新将于4月9日上线 首批直播活动即将开启https://news.zol.com.cn/860/8607349.html

    news.zol.com.cn true https://news.zol.com.cn/860/8607349.html report 1278 Bungie, the developer of "Destiny 2", recently announced that a two-month series of updates titled "Into the Light" will begin on April 9th as part of preparation for the upcoming expansion "The End of the World". Prior to this, the company will host...
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