
    新成立的游戏工作室Yellow Brick Games 手握首款游戏大作

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:拿铁不加冰

    新成立的游戏工作室Yellow Brick Games 手握首款游戏大作

    Yellow Brick Games, a newly established game development studio founded by industry veterans from Ubisoft and Electronic Arts (EA), will be handling the distribution of their upcoming project. Initially, it was planned that the company's first game would be published by Private Division after reaching an agreement in 2022. However, Yellow Brick has chosen to take control of their unannounced game and is expected to release it in 2025.

    Yellow Brick Games was founded in 2020 by Thomas Giroux, Mike Laidlaw, Frédéric St-Laurent B., and Jeff Skalski. Following the acquisition deal with Private Division earlier this year, the company expanded its operations by opening an office in Montreal, Quebec alongside their headquarters.

    Mike Laidlaw expressed that taking control of distribution for themselves was a "Leap of Faith," especially considering the current instability in the industry. He also mentioned that it was an opportunity for them to directly interact with players and their broader gaming community.

    Thomas Giroux added that player experience remains their top priority: "The success of our studio rests solely on how well we can provide a great gaming experience." They have made sure that there are no changes to the size or scope of their upcoming game.

    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:新成立的游戏工作室Yellow Brick Games 手握首款游戏大作https://news.zol.com.cn/863/8631144.html

    news.zol.com.cn true https://news.zol.com.cn/863/8631144.html report 1271 Yellow Brick Games, a newly established game development studio founded by industry veterans from Ubisoft and Electronic Arts (EA), will be handling the distribution of their upcoming project. Initially, it was planned that the company's first game w...
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